“I’d really love to visit my mom for Mother’s Day, but I’d have to get on a plane.” Regina is terrified of flying, and the fear makes her feel weak. Phobias like the fear of flying, or aerophobia, are painful and scary because they provoke deep-seated reactions. Even though our logical mind tells us we […]
Tag Archives: orlando couples therapy
Put Feelings Before Figures When Fighting Over Finances
More than four in 10 married couples in the U.S. report that they argue about money. So if you and your spouse are fighting about how much to spend on your upcoming theme park vacation or whether you can afford a new SUV, you’re not alone. Money fights are notorious for the stress they can […]
Feeling vs. Fixing
When Joe suggested that his wife Anita hire another worker for her business, he was trying to be helpful. So he was surprised by her sharp response: “That’s not what I need right now. Stop telling me what to do.” After all, Anita had approached Joe to talk about her frustration with her […]
Procrastination — It’s Making Me Late
Songstress Carly Simon had a big hit in 1971 with the title track on her second album, “Anticipation.” The chorus? “… is making me late.” For many of us, it might have been more relevant if she’d sung “procrastination.” As I procrastinate writing this blog, I’m simultaneously observing what’s going on inside me […]
How to Make Health Activities More Fun
While our neighbors in the north prepare for winter’s chill to take hold, this is the time of year where Floridians begin thinking about being outdoors again. Fall and winter in Florida are a respite from the mid-90s temperatures of summer, giving us a chance to get more activity and movement in our daily lives. […]
Couples Therapy for You — And Your Kids
If you or your partner are hesitant about couples therapy, think about this: Like a wildfire, dysfunction in the relationship between parents doesn’t end where it starts. It spreads, and children are the first ones in its path of destruction. While couples therapy is primarily designed to help partners establish a healthy, flourishing relationship, the […]
Can You Learn Your Way Out of a Bad Marriage?
Few things can have a greater impact on your happiness than the quality of your marriage. Yet, children spend more time in school learning about abstract mathematical concepts than about what makes a marriage succeed. Marriage education has a long and complicated history, as much of it was directed at reinforcing social or […]
3 Tips to Improve Sleep
In a previous blog, we talked about the three fundamentals of emotional balance: eating, sleeping and moving. Of these three, sleep is often the trickiest. Just because you’ve made time for sleep doesn’t mean it will necessarily come — or come easily when it does. The need for sleep varies between individuals, but […]
Do You Suffer From Anhedonia? What To Do When You Just Don’t Feel Like Doing Anything
When your mood is low, you may find that you’ve lost interest in activities or relationships that were once a staple part of your life and made you happy. In psychology, such loss of interest or pleasure in people and things that were previously enjoyed is known as anhedonia. Anhedonia can occur during normal […]
Repairing Misattunement is an Opportunity for Growth
Have you ever found yourself crosswise with someone — a friend, a co-worker, a significant other or even your therapist? Maybe you felt your relationship was suddenly out of balance? Of course you have. Everyone has. That “out of balance” feeling is called misattunement: A moment when we’re misunderstood, out of synch and confused […]